Chen Show-Mao running under the Workers' Party has been touted by commentators as the "secret weapon" who could alter the balance of unrivalled PAP dominance since the independence of the small nation state.
Matching the People's Action Party's strength of fielding high IQ scholars, Chen has more to offer. Being matured and successful, he is entering politics to serve the people. It is unlikely that he was compelled or lured by the high salaries of a Minister. He doesn't need all that. Yes, despite his achievements, Chen Show-Mao is not arrogant and therefore able to reach out to the grassroots, and understand their grievances, especially the poor and the middle class.

As for cynicism of his commitment to his country of adoption , those who have worked with him know that he is every bit a Singaporean, even though he was born in Taiwan, studied and worked internationally for the last 30 years. Indeed, his formative and teen years were spent in Singapore. He did National Service in the army.
In today's globalised world, every person in any country would have at least some friends and family members working overseas. Modern communications allow us to stay connected with news of anywhere in the world, skype and keep in touch.
It would be hypocrisy on the part of the current leadership if they contradict their longstanding attempt to convince citizens to welcome and accept foreign talents on the basis of contribution and not origins. It would be a waste if Singaporeans do not appreciate or grasp such talents.
Geniuses like Chen Show Mao will be highly sought after by the world to become one of their citizens.
Chen Show Mao demonstrated leadership qualities since high school days.
Rare photo of CSM - President of Student Council, NJC.
I've never stopped being S'porean: Chen Show Mao
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