It is somewhat paradoxical that despite having a liberal democracy transplanted by the American colonialists, the gap between the elite rich and majority of the poor population remains skewed. Cronyism perpetuates in the political and economic scene. Though accessible to basic education, the masses continue to live in conditions similar to third world countries.
It is on this platform of removing injustice that Noynoy won the ticket. Well wishes hope that Noynoy could deliver his promises to stamp out corruption.
Almost three decades after the overthrow of Ferdinand Marcos by a people power revolution led by Noynoy's mother Corazon, corruption and nepotism remain firmly entrenched. The Marcos family despite their previous unconscionable conduct and massive corruption which bled the Philippine coffers, remain popular in their home and outer provinces.
Corazon Aquino was too weak to confront and pursue the crooks and recover the ill gotten assets cached by Marcos' cronies, many of whom still wield positions of influence till today.

Noynoy with beautiful celebrity sister Kris
Filipinos are very expressive when it comes to demonstrating love for their leader
The reign of Fidel Ramos saw rapid economic growth but Filipinos as people of most western style democracies do not like disciplinarians and authoritarians as leaders.
Former actor Josephh Estrada's victory brought about a swing to the other extreme of frivolousness. Much progress made under the Ramos administration were dismantled in no time and nepotism was rife to the hilt. Once again, the Filipinos resorted to people power saw the need for another revolution to depose Estrada.
Despite her economic credentials, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo failed to uplift the economy. Filipinos continue to seek employment overseas or emigrate to greener pastures. Her government was plagued by allegations of corruption.
After nine years, the people have had enough. Noynoy presents a clean image that Filipinos are eager to give him a chance to perform. However, he will face the same obstacles that impeded previous presidents in their fight against corruption, including running into his family business associates, political allies and maternal relatives in the Cojuangco family. Filipinos being easy going and resilient, would be quite tolerant and realistic not to raise high expectations. Let us pray that conditions will improve and not backslide.
References :
Acknowledgement : Pictures from Noynoy Aquino website homepage
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